Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Day After


I can't believe that, in the days leading up to Christmas, I thought that perhaps I hadn't bought enough. Our family room looks like a picked over Walmart on Black Friday. One cannot walk without stepping on some form of molded plastic. And the God the batteries. I keep thinking I need to own stock in Duracell. I own all the batteries they ever made. And I'll just keep on buying. And buying. And buying.

We spend a lot of time with our television. This is an important thing to know before you proceed here. This year we saw that AMC decided to air a "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" marathon--against TBS's "A Christmas Story". In my book Christmas Eve is about 2 things. Watching "It's a Wonderful Life" and then quickly switching the channel in time to see Ralphie nearly shoot his eye out for the first time in a twenty-four hour cycle. I love "NLCV" so much that I can very nearly recite it if the sound died on my tv, but my girls have started to enjoy "A Christmas Story" this year. I felt goosebumps when A recognized what movie it was! They keep asking what soap tastes like and why Ralphie's mom made him eat it. Hubby and I explained that since Ralphie was "sassy" he had to have his mouth washed out. **all the while praying that during the tire-changing scene they didn't ask any further questions!!

My point is that this movie, along with a host of other things (Stauffer's lasagna, Mom's egg casserole, socks with monkeys--or in this special case--socks without monkeys) has become part of the tightly woven fabric of our family Christmas. I have spent way too many brain cells on comparing my family's Christmas to others' celebrations that in some ways I've failed to see what really matters. We have a heck of a good time on Christmas. I really do dream of the day when Christmas dinner is served on fine china (and not dollar store paper plates) and the food on said China is a melt-in-your-mouth-beef-tenderloin (and not a frozen meal from aisle 7) but for now, I'll take it. TV and all.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I'm Back--For Now

It has been a while since I've sat down and allowed myself the luxury of blogging. A lot has been going on and I regret I haven't written more. As things happen around me I often am inspired to write, though with the blur of kids and mess and glitter glue, I seldom do just that. Then the moment passes. Ugh!!! I really hate that feeling. Then I don't write. Then I think maybe it's not worth writing. Then a month and a half passes.

This fall has been eventful and fun, though not without its lowpoints. A is having anxieties over some things, mainly dogs and stage fright. The dog-worries have ME really worried. We haven't yet sought outside help, but we have enlisted A's guidance counselor at school, and family and friends as well. I very clearly remember being awakened one night months ago because A had a bad dream that dogs were biting her. I didn't think much of it at the time, just kissed her, tucked her in and promised her it was just a silly dream. Soon after that the anxiety began. She would avoid going outside if a neighbor's dog was out, walking to the bus stop got to be just plain painful--for me and her! To date we almost exclusively drive. Up until this past week our friends Andrea and Anna brought A back from the bus in the afternoons. I could tell they would soon be on my porch because I could hear A's screams of terror. Not because a dog came up to her, simply because she saw a dog. Even if it was leashed and on the other side of the street! Mrs. B at school has been helpful, sending home cute coloring pages of dogs and talking with A about her fears. I do think we're seeing some minor improvements. It all starts with baby steps I guess!

This fall has also brought change to my own life, as the season of a friendship came to an end. What a hard decision that was. I've been blessed in my life not to have ever had to endure a bad breakup--until now. It was, at first, like I had lost a limb--something that was always there had simply disappeared. Little by little though the sun shined a little brighter and I realized I was feeling something new: relief. It still breaks my heart that it happened at all, but I've come to accept it as the right decision. I'm still having the occasional bad day over it, but they are fewer and farther between.

As a parenting team, Hubby and I work pretty well together I think. This fall, however, has tested our limits. Why?? Quite simply: The Bean. C's nickname is The Bean--or Wa Bean, as we call her in Hubby's family. She has decided that this fall was the time to make a name for herself, carve out a little niche just for her, earn herself some street cred. She is, quite simply, tiring. To quote from one of my favorite children's book series, (Olivia by Ian Falconer) "...(she) wear(s) me out." We always joke that her pig tails hide her horns. Thank God she is cute--its the only reason we keep her around. That and the hugs. And the way she can't yet say "r's". "Mommy, is Bennett my bruh-vah?" "Yes, Honey, Bennett is your bruh-vah" I answer back. Geez I love that. Oh--and she is funny...we also keep her around for that. Her favorite joke?? It's a Beanie original: Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the uh-vah side so he could poop and pee. Potty humor--she will purposely walk into a bathroom and start shouting "Poop and Pee, Poop and Pee, I can say dat because I'm in the baff-room." I just think it's kind of neat that she knows that Potty Humor is funny. It's not a learned thing--she just gets it. (And it IS funny) OK, it's official. We'll keep her. For now.

B is doing great....(how is that for a segue?). We continue to see Mary Pat with Infants and Toddlers and he continues to cruise and crawl and get into things. He smiles a lot and is just a dream of a baby. Very happy, very content. Happy baby + full nights of sleeping = Happy Mommy. He continues to be adored by both A and C, in addition to our many friends and family members. B is (on this very day) now eleven months old and just a few weeks ago we were called back to Kennedy Krieger for his ten-month follow up testing. I wasn't surprised to hear that he behind in speech and language skills, but I was surprised to find out just how much that shook me. I knew going in he is sort of a quiet baby, and they confirmed that he is indeed about 2-3 months behind. I called Hubby on the way home and talked to him about it. It shocked him not at all and he was quick to talk me off of the ledge I was building in my mind. We are both thrilled with B's development--and we are equally thrilled to still be participating in this groundbreaking research at Kennedy Krieger with Dr. Landa's team. I just have to remember that part of the process is that they are very thorough AND aggressive with recommending early intervention. (thanks to Chris Hess at KKI for reminding me of that :) ) When I returned home that day I contacted Mary Pat and requested an extra visit in December and further requested adding special education/communication education to our IFSP.

While all of this has been going on we've also been in communication with Sharon, the writer from People Magazine. (yes, still my all time favorite publication!!). The story looks like it could be in a January issue. This could be timely as the CDC is announcing that the incidence of Autism in children is going from 1:150 to 1:100. If one family reads the story and begins early intervention as a result of our story, I would be ecstatic. One of the things Sharon and I spoke about this week was my experiences with other parents who eschew early intervention merely because of it being on a child's "Permanent Record." One parent told me that she sought speech therapy through a school system--but declined it when she was told it fell under the umbrella of "Special Education." I don't know how to get the word out effectively enough--early intervention matters!! It is crucial if there is any doubt, whatsoever, that your child isn't hitting important milestones. This goes further than just looking for Autism, but for any developmental problem. Fears and worries are keeping kids from getting the care and attention they need and deserve. Baby steps, Teri, baby steps. We'll get there. Someday.

As I conclude this (very long) entry this evening, I find myself looking back on a truly remarkable and lifechanging year. The year began with me becoming the Mom of three, giving birth to my first boy and my last child. What a joy he is! The year has had plenty of ups, and, sadly, some downs, but it has been a good year. As we begin this week of Christmas I continue to be thankful for how truly abundant my life is and how blessed I am to be surrounded by good people who love me and my little family of five. The year will end, and a new one will begin, and I can't wait to see what it holds for us.

Have a happy and healthy holiday season & the best wishes for the happiest of new years.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Update on B's Infants & Toddlers visits

We have now had several visits with Mary Pat, our Physical Therapist with the Baltimore County Infants and Toddlers Program. She has been here three times and each time has been blown away by B's progress. We really haven't seen any of the head-lag that he demonstrated at our Kennedy Krieger eval a few months back, and some of the flat-foot concerns that were demonstrated and the initial I & T eval have all but gone away too. Mary Pat has noted that Ben keeps his toes curled up a lot of the time, like while he's sitting on the floor, and we just try to help him relax those little piggies. The biggest thing that has changed since my initial blog post about B is that he is crawling. Everywhere. He had been doing the "Army Crawl" for the longest time and about a week or so ago he began "actual" crawling. It's adorable...and I guess I'm wrapped up in it so much because he's my last baby and all, but man--I had forgotten just how dangerous it is to have a crawling, very mobile baby and a (insert dangerous object here.) The biggest danger is the fireplace. We've had a bump or three from that! The other thing that is hard, now that our basement is finished...well, refinished, is the steps. With A and C coming and going from the basement playroom the door gets left open. Ugh...electrical outlets, electrical cords, doors, bricks, oh my. We have some IKEA bookcases in our family room and basement that have managed to leave straight line red marks on B's forehead. He doesn't seem phased by it of course. People keep telling me this is what having a boy is like. Bumps, scrapes, and bruises. Bumps, scrapes, bruises. I'll take that.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Can't We Just Fit It All In?

In my ongoing attempt to both lose weight and get in better shape, I've decided to try to get on my treadmill for 20 minutes a day. So far (two days in) I'm at 100%. Whoo-freakin-hoo for me!!! Yesterday I managed my 20 minutes while shouting at C to 'stay away from the wires.' She kept asking me, "Mommy, where are you going?" Today I got to 30 minutes. Hubby had taken C to preschool today so after the bus stop for A, I walked home and put B to bed and hopped on the treadmill. I caught an episode of Golden Girls--a real classic, the one where Blanche finds out her brother is gay--and got in 30 minutes before I even noticed! What I did notice, however, was that I was sweating like a pig. P.I.G. Heck, I was probably sweating more than a pig!! (It is fair to note here that I have no technical knowledge as to the sweat or non-sweat habits of actual pigs) B was still catching his zzz's so I jumped in the shower. By the time I finished the quick shower, dried my hair and got dressed I had just enough time to squeeze in a quick phonecall before I had to wake B up, change is disgustingly grotesque diaper, and hit the road to go get C from preschool. All in all this was a great morning! I had time to exercise, the baby got his rest, C was at preschool, life was grand. What I find hard to take, though, is this: Because I spent most of my "free" time exercising and recovering from the sweating-like-a-pig part of the exercising I wasn't able to complete other tasks that are best done while the children are sleeping, at school, or otherwise very occupied. Things like calling insurance companies, paying bills, scrubbing dirty toilets, filling out field trip permission slips. As much as I'm thrilled about finding the time to take care of ME, I'm entirely bummed that it means I have to work harder at finding the time to fit in the other very necessary tasks that fall well within my job description. I called Hubby at some point this morning just to see how his day was going and his answer was a good one. He said if his morning just had a few extra hours in it, it would've been perfect. How true that is!! In a way it made me feel better--that it wasn't just the madly insane housewife/SAHM part of me that simply couldn't handle things, that Hubby too had these time issues that prevented him from completing all of his important duties too. More than that though, it still just bummed me out. I sit here this evening worrying that I won't be able to get it all in tomorrow. Will I be happy and well adjusted Mommy who makes the time for her own needs, or will I be the productive do-it-all Mommy who finds time for anything and everything but herself? Why does it have to be either/or?? Can't I just fit in ALL in? Just this once...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Holy Crap, I Have a First Grader!

Somehow--I'm not quite sure how--I became the Mom of a First Grader. Seems like just yesterday there was 2 feet of snow outside my house and I was laying on the sofa just praying that labor would hold off another few days. (of course that wouldn't happen...that's how she got one of her cute nicknames, "The Blizzard Baby.")

Where has the time gone?

While I remember my own Kindergarten year --I really remember First Grade. I remember my teacher that year, Mrs. Mann. (this was always a source of concern for me...her name was Mrs. Mann, yet clearly she was a very nice lady!) I remember that when we did really good work we got a unicorn stamp on our work packets. We made handprints in plaster and then they got painted gold. Did I mention the unicorn stamps?? I remember that Mrs. Mann wanted us all to go to bed by 8:00pm because kids needed a good night's rest. (I must've retained own kids get 12 hours each night!!)

I can't wait to see what this year holds for A. Seeing it through her eyes, remembering what it looked like through my own so many (many) years ago, and knowing that I still get to re-live the First Grade two more times down the road!

Infants & Toddlers (Birth-to-Three) Eval for Baby B

Today was the evaluation appointment for B. I was a little worried that I'd picked a bad time since the appointment was at 9:00am and A had to get on the bus (at the end of the street) at 8:50. As things normally do, it worked out fine, and we were home with time (1 minute, 48 seconds) to spare. We had a RN and a Physical Therapist here doing the evaluation and they did play-based testing on B's social, language, cognitive, and adaptive skills, as well as both gross and fine motor. At this point B is 7 months old. The findings from all of their testing were very positive and reassuring--he is testing in the normal range for all skills, but he does have some atypical development in his neck and shoulder muscles, as well as some tip-toe standing when held up. This fact qualifies us for services through Baltimore County Infants and Toddlers. They will also monitor his receptive language skills, since that was an area of concern a few weeks ago when he was evaluated by Dr. Landa and other researchers at Kennedy Krieger. If a delay were to evolve where that is concerned we would be seen here at home by a special educator, in addition to the Physical Therapist.

I have to laugh though--so many times when we as parents have concerns we call a doctor or ask a professional for advice, and then the same day the child ends up doing, independently, the task that just a day ago seemed impossible. This happened of the questions I was asked was whether or not B drinks his bottle by himself. My answer was no--but late this afternoon he surprised me by swigging an ounce or so all by himself. (To which C exclaimed, "Yook, Benno is feeding him own self.") Ahh...a good day.

Could You Make Mine Sans Crust?'s been too long!!

I have been laughing at myself lately, thinking of things that I used to swear I wouldn't do--or wouldn't let my kids do--as a parent.

Let's see...well, first there is the whole pacifier thing. (in our house that would be a 'cork' thing) A was pretty good about the whole cork situation. Once we made the decision that it would be bedtime only--it was as good as done. One night we just didn't offer them and we never looked back. It was great--we felt success as parents. Yay...we broke her of that awful habit!!! Yeah--who the hell were we kidding?? C takes this whole 'cork' situation, well, really freakin' seriously! They are not only her corks, (yeah--we're talking multiples here) they are C's "guys." Why, you ask, are they her "guys?" Well duh--doesn't EVERY 3 year old girl use her "guys" as Little People in the doll house? Anytime they are lost I am nearly guaranteed to find them hiding in one of the two dollhouses in her room. Ugh...I always joke that she won't go down the aisle with her "guys" but I'm starting to get a little afraid! One of the guys, the orange and green one, is held together, I suspect, by pieces of DNA or perhaps boogers. Not sure which--but it also is her favorite guy. Seriously?? Yeah--seriously. Way back in the day I worked in a daycare center, with 3 year olds by the way, and a few of them slept with 3 or 4 pacifiers at naptime. I used to be so disgusted--thinking horrible thoughts about the parents of these little beasts. Ha...joke's on me now, isn't it??

The other thing that always got me was kids who wouldn't eat crusts. I've been known to leave crusts on my plate--but to go that extra step and have them cut off??? Ugh--no way, seemed like a silly detail to me. Lately, little Miss C, has started asking for the crusts to be cut off of her sandwiches. Well--that's the sandwiches she'll eat--by the day that number is dwindling. I swear once we're out of blueberry season we may be out of luck on feeding her entirely. Anyway--back to this whole crust business. I really do have a point ;)

We recently were on vacation at the lake--and while I truly am in my blissful glory (most of the time)when I'm there--it is pure hell getting ready to go and getting ready to come home. Packing up my kids and our stuff, whether it is for one night or 10, is mind-numbing, hard work. Plus there are all of these last minute things that I can't pack up ahead of time--like B's crib aquarium, or C's corks. What if I forget a favorite book? ugh...I am getting tense just thinking about this!! On the other end of the trip is this same dilemma--the packing up and going home. Only this time it's improved upon--we've added dirty laundry to the equation! Seriously--this sucks!! This got me thinking about the whole crusts-off-the sandwich routine. The middle of the sandwich really IS the best part you know...especially if you think about a good one, like PB&J! The middle is where the big glop of peanut butter is, and all around it is the oozy goodness of the jelly. Whats on the edges?? Nothing but dried peanut butter and if you're lucky a little purple smear. Once we were on vacation a few days, things got good--really good. Kids were sleeping well at night, we fell into a nice nap routine, great weather (that was luck!), and fun activities with Pappy & Grandma, too. Even going to the few restaurants we did was great! Then came, cue up the 'dum-dum-dum-dum' music, the final day. Between packing the suitcases, packing the cold stuff to go home, and getting the kids in the car, and trying to do so at a time when B would sleep and A & C will at least be quiet....well--that was just impossible. As it turned out--it wasn't THAT bad a drive home. Hubby took his place behind the wheel--I took my designated spot too, behind the driver seat, next to B, and well within snack-reach for A & C. Shockingly, we made it home in three hours. In one piece, I might add! We survived, and we even *gasp* enjoyed ourselves!!! Success feels so good.

I'd still just like mine sans crusts. please.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ah...More Fairies Must Be the Answer!

We are still away at the lake and will be for another week. It's grand--blissful, really--in a weird, masochistic sort of way. We've fallen into a pretty nice little routine, which always happens around day 3 or so, and generally are enjoying ourselves. We still, however, are seeing a lot of the naughty-ness that accompanies a family with 2 little girls and 1 baby brother. A, as the oldest of our brood, seems hellbent on waking up sleeping children. Either by touching, talking to, pinching, or tickling--it's her life's truest desire. I will not mince words: This. Pisses. Me. Off. She's pretty good about adhering to a decent time out though and for the most part (more than 50% of the time), 'gets' it and moves on. This I have to live with--and this is fine. I still hate that she must wake the littler ones, though. Can't she just awaken Hubby when HE'S sleeping? Now Little Miss C...she is a different kid altogether--and will not, I repeat WILL NOT adhere to, nor be confined to, a simple time out. No way, no how, it's not gonna happen. I was not happy about this until that article a few weeks ago about the Clean-Up Fairy enlightened me. (read past entries to catch up!) The lady who gave life to my now favorite Fairy really should be nominated for sainthood--well, in my humble little mommy opinion! C becomes very nearly unhinged when we mention the "C.U.F." She bolts around the room, doing whatever needs to be done to tidy things up, and make any mess appear far less messy. It's done as if a 3 year old was doing it still--but it works. Yay. Somehow, a small success. Trouble arose though during the first day or so of our vacation when we were really having trouble with C's tantrums and screaming fits. (Whomever said it was the Terrible Twos never had kids... in reality it's the Life-Threatening-Threes that'll give you your battle scars as a parent) I tried to think of a way in which my friend "C.U.F" could help me and then I decided to try something new. C was doing something naughty-- screaming for the sake of screaming--when I calmly told her I needed her to listen to mommy, and to calm down. I warned her again, "Please calm down and listen to Mommy or else the Listening Fairy would come and take away your corks" (now this brings up another topic entirely--my 3 year old's continuing to use her corks...that's pacifiers to the general public) Anyway--a really cool thing happened with my latest threat--it worked!! She stopped screaming, apologized, and snapped back into angelic-three-year-old-mode. **sound the alleujah chorus**

Stay tuned....

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Finally on vacation....well, sort of

Friday is a blur as I look back on it--packing, packing, refereeing fights, cleaning, packing. Then the drive--oh the drive. We decided to leave at the height of a Friday rush hour. Stop saying those things--we're not stupid!! Well, yeah, maybe we are. The Baltimore Beltway can be a pain in the ass on its best day--but 4:30 on a summer Friday? C'mon. We weren't even to I-70 when the kids starting asking for food. Which at that point was still 2 hours away. I was sitting in my assigned seat in the middle row of our van. Next to B, and in front of A & C. Directly behind Hubby. I really am not a fan of this as I have always been a firm believer in the "mom and dad up front/kids in the back" way of driving. Even coming home from the hospital I didn't sit w/ my babies. Well, with A I did, but it wasn't because I wanted to! However, this perch in our van allows me to be within reach of everyone and therefore I am able to be superwife & supermom for 3, or sometimes more, hours. When we finally reached our stopping point for dinner (a McDonalds playland--oh joy!) we were all hungry and rattled from close to 3 hours in the car. I can't imagine ever driving to, say, Florida with my family. Maybe if I'm in a separate car from them! Anyway--McDonalds was pretty much non-eventful, except for the crazy clean-up attendant on duty. As she saw my flip-flop wearing daughters run to the playzone she ran after them as if they were carrying weapons of mass destruction. Why?? Because they weren't allowed to go on the play equipment barefoot!! Oy... So basically she chased my kids, she was RUNNING, all because they MIGHT put their bare feet on the stinky festering filthy equipment. Ugh. Lucky us, McDonald's sells socks at the counter, $1 per set. And believe me, I want my kids to have a layer of something between them and the awful germ-pit, but seriously...running after the kids? Get over yourself lady. Once we got back on the road again things stayed remarkably sane. We arrived into town around 9:15 at which point I ordered Hubby to the all-night grocery liquor store for a few essentials. Wine, chocolate, Cheese bread, OJ. You know, the basics. I would love to tell you that the long day and long drive made my little angels go right to sleep--that would be a good end to this little tale, but alas--it was not meant to be. It took so long to get A & C to bed...kicking and screaming is putting it mildly. At least dear, sweet little B was doing the right thing!! By the time the girls settled down and I finished unpacking the kitchen items (of which there were many) and unpacking my clothing, Hubby was passed out cold on the bed and I was a zombie. It was well after midnight and I just wanted to crash. It was only a brief 5 hours until the fun would start all over again--but it was the first time, on night one of a vacation, that I have slept that long a stretch...I normally count on no meaningful sleep at all that night because I'm forever tossing and turning and clock-watching. By the 2nd night it gets better, and if there's a 3rd and more--I'm good. Sleeping that long, and that well, was a good thing. Given that the day/night were so horrendous and the following day ended up being, well, a day with lots of yelling to say the least, I decided to be pretty damned happy about that five-hour stretch of sleep. Let's see what the next day brings!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Assorted Ramblings of the Last Few Days

I have missed writing...this whole blog-thing has been sort of an experiment anyway...and over the weekend and early part of this week I've left it alone. I missed it!! I don't know why that's exciting either...just felt like it should be said.

The other night Hubby and I snuck away (thanks to Grandma & Pappy) for dinner...nothing special, but it was pure carbo-licious goody-goodness. Panera!!! When I die and go to heaven I would like to eat Asiago Cheese Bagels and Soup Bread Bowls for every meal. Anyway...the real point of this particular ramble is that we went to the mall AFTER dinner to exchange some earring backings that kept falling of. Hubby gave me some diamond studs for our tenth anniversary and I was finally getting around to getting the proper backings. (for those of you keeping score, our 11th anniversary was early this spring...) I summoned a saleswoman who was kind enough to stop me midsentence and say, "You are wearing your size sticker on your shirt." As in--right down my left boob. Great....just where I want to see a 6 inch long sticker with "L" going down it. Now, it's true that my shirt had a busy print to it--but it was easy enough for the kind jewelry woman to notice it!!! My husband hadn't noticed it, I hadn't noticed it, my inlaws hadn't noticed it, I think the Panera girl must've noticed it (in hindsight) because she seemed giggly. I had also spent a decent amount of time with a JCPenney salesclerk that evening....why didn't anyone say anything earlier??? Grrr....

B is sitting up--really well I might add--and it is hard to believe this is the same kid for whom I just contacted Infants and Toddlers. However--I did, happily--and they are coming out on September 1st. C is forever finding more ways to torment Hubby and is so clear to me that she was just destined to be a middle child. Tonight she refused to go to bed, she just kept 'having to go to the baff-room." She finally fell asleep, snuggled up w/ about 6 blankets, a giant cucumber named Larry, and 4 corks. (Pacifiers for those not in the know) A is out at a ballgame with Hubby tonight~a daddy/daughter date. There was a rain delay before so I'm just crossing fingers they got to see a little baseball. A is really interested in the details of the game this's pretty darn cute!

I am starting to get really, really nervous because its now been a week and I haven't heard anything from Sharon at People Magazine. I'm worried they have forgotten about us!! I am sure they haven't....I mean, they wouldn't have spent that much time and then just forgot, would they??? Too much stress! MIL mentioned today, correctly, that the death of a Kennedy (Eunice K. Shriver) is enough to bump us out of a magazine for a few weeks indeed. Ho hum. (my condolences to the Kennedy/Shriver clan, of course)

Nighty night all~Have a fabulous tomorrow!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Update on the Clean Up Fairy

Man...I never, EVER, thought that she'd still be going strong!!

But, lo and behold, every night and most days C toils around the family room and her room making sure that everything is put away. It is CRAZY...I never imagined it would take off. C totally believes in this one, and every night Hubby & I get to sit in the family room and watch tv--and SEE the floor. Who knew? If I could get A on board with this I'd really have to just pinch myself, but I can't have it all here in Paradise, now can I?

Our basement is still a source of never ending discontent (mine) and utter lack of caring (also mine). One day the Clean Up Fairy may visit there too, though. Maybe. She's considering it, at least.

On a totally unrelated note...I'm sitting patiently for Mr. Mailman and hoping he's got my People Magazine in his little truck.

On another unrelated topic, Hubby and I are going out to dinner and to see a movie...a movie that doesn't have a Princess or a talking bunny or a giant drooling dog!! We're seeing "Bruno" with Sascha Baron least we'll giggle like frat boys! I'm such a frat boy.

Have a fun and fabulous weekend, my friends!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

We're back~more updates~

This morning's visit at KKI was far less chaotic--but just as much fun--as the one on Tuesday. B got the opportunity to play with lots of neat toys and show off some of his great social skills :) There is one task he didn't do that well on today, but he did well on Tuesday--it involves a little joystick and a light up musical toy. Today's toy was a little scary and I think that affected the outcome ;) B's muscles in his neck/shoulders are seeming a little weak so I am definitely going to set up that Infants & Toddlers evaluation. Dr. Landa felt it was a good idea as well. It was neat, though, that just since Tuesday B is able to sit up for a longer period of time. Tuesday he couldn't at all, and now for a few moments. He is getting there--so cute!! I'm so glad we got our little tenth anniversary suprise~he just makes my day.

Sharon from People made the long trip from NYC again today, only to turn around an hour or so later and head back. What devotion! It was a good opportunity for her to see a more normal session of the tests that were done with B. Thanks, Sharon--was so nice to see you again today!

After the testing was over we said our goodbyes and hit the road. We made it to VBS just in time to get A & C. Phew!

Getting ready to make the call to Infants & Toddlers--hope that they can set us up just after vacation.

Happy Thursday!

Rain, Rain, Go Away--come back when I don't have big things on the agenda...

I hate rain. Have to get B out the door to KKI this morning, and as luck would have it I've actually done my hair--and it's raining. I really do like rain--but not when I have good hair.

Hubby is taking the girls to VBS this morning to ease up my drive downtown a bit, should be nice! Looking forward to the visit...just need to get a few more things ready and we'll hit the road. Sharon from People will be there again today, so it will be nice to chat with her again.

Oh--and in important People Magazine news...I actually do have a trial subscription in place at the moment so I am technically getting the magazine. I think I'll be re-upping though ;)

Happy Day friends ~

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

More details on our People Interview/Photoshoot--when I'm not so tired!

First--many of you have asked about the issue we'll be in. Nothing is set yet~I'll keep everyone posted though :)

B's assessment/Kennedy Krieger Institute: The day started yesterday as smoothly as could be--everyone up, fed, and ready to rock. I LOVE when the days start like that! Hubby's mom was here to be w/ A & C and get them off to Vacation Bible School safely while Hubby and I went along to KKI w/ B. It was a little overwhelming seeing some of the photographic equipment--the rooms at KKI's REACH center are small and down a winding hallway. We were greeted by Dr. Rebecca Landa (love her!) and the wonderful gals at KKI (love them!)--and introduced to Sharon Cotliar from People and Ray and Brian, the photographer and assistant, respectively. (they were good to us--very patient ans sweet w/ the kids) Things got rolling w/ B's assessment but it quickly turned into a photo shoot. It was great though--I've spent so much time over the last 5 years in those testing rooms at KKI, and while I love doing it all and participating in the research--it can be a bit nervewracking!! The shoot made it fun and lighthearted, which I liked. B did really well on one of the assessment tasks--what a sweet thing to see him making the social connections so crucial to every day life! Made my heart sing! During part of the assessment Dr. Landa became concerned about some of B's motor skills and she mentioned this to Hubby and to me as well. While it's always a shock or blow to hear that there is or may be something wrong with your child, I have to say I'd rather know than not know. I will call Infants and Toddlers--if nothing else they will come here to the house, spend some time doing some developmental testing, and reassure me. If something is wrong--we get the earliest possible start on early intervention. Really no downside, the best that I can see.

The Photoshoot: We had a nice break in between B's assessment/Photo Shoot part 1 and Photo Shoot part 2 so Hubby and I were thrilled to actually sit down and eat lunch--alone!! yay :) B was sound asleep from his morning of hard work and Grandma hadn't returned with the girls from VBS. I was a little concerned when Ray and Brian showed up right as Grandma and A & C returned, but they were just making sure they could find our house and said they'd return in an hour. It gave us enough time to finish lunches, feed the girls, and start dressing and primping. A kept asking about whether she'd get 'hair & make up' :) too cute!! On Monday night I became a little freaked out that I didn't have the proper clothing for all 5 of us--Olga Camacho, Photo Editor at People, was kind enough to email me some guidelines for color choices. It helped!! (I went off to buy a LOT of clothing that night...I think I helped JC Penney's 3rd quarter sales quota...) We were all decked out in our coordinating attire in time for the fun to begin. There were a lot of pictures taken~I couldn't even begin to guess how many, but lots of smiles. Of course A & C were giggling themselves to death because we allowed them to say potty words the entire time. Instead of your traditional "say cheese" there was a lot of the more non-traditional "doggy poop kitty butt." Great. This'll come back to haunt us. I'm sure of it. However--Ray seemed to thing things were turning out well, so fingers are crossed that the bad words will be forgotten (yeah, right) and that pics in the mag will be delightful. It was a little weird being on our front porch with lights rigged up on our front yard for pictures...I'm intensely curious to see how our house looks--I know not much of the house is in the pictures, but somehow I think it will look different in these pictures. As Ray and Brian were finishing up their work Sharon and Elise from KKI arrived. Elise (Media Relations for KKI) dropped Sharon to us and went on her way and we sat in Todd's office to start talking. And talk we did--for hours!! I was surprised and impressed with how much time it took, and more surprised at just how fatigued I was after it was done. It was really like re-living A's early years, so it was a little surreal thinking back to the times when she couldn't communicate. Lots of great memories were re-lived though. I do look back on those years and know that they shaped me as a mommy. They certainly shaped how Hubby and I work as a team. (well -that and having 2 more kids...) After the interview was over we got Sharon a cab to the train station and let Grandma go home too. We all put in a LONG day!! Dinner was leftover pizza and then snowballs for dessert. It was an early night too--kids to bed regular time and then we went to bed at 9. I don't even remember turning the lights out--or my head hitting the pillow.

Tomorrow I have to take B back to KKI for the 2nd part of the assessment. I'm a little nervous I guess--knowing that there is definitely something everyone is looking for, but I'm also very excited at the same time. Sharon indicated she may be back tomorrow just to quietly observe the tests, but there won't be any photographing going least not the kind meant for the shiny pages of People Magazine! (Is it Friday yet?? I can't wait to get my newest copy...)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Today was the big photoshoot and interview for People Magazine!

We. Are. Tired.

We had a great day though--in all seriousness. The day started with B's 6 month testing at Kennedy Krieger, which was less about testing and more about the photoshoot. B handled it well I think, considering he had lots of unfamiliar people and cameras in his face all morning. One of the tasks he did really well at, the other showed he could have some motor delays. We're certainly concerned--but at this point it's really unconclusive. We'll continue to have these tests every few months, and I'll call our county's Infant & Toddler program to evaluate B's development. We had such a good experience with I & T when A was a toddler and our motto pretty much goes, "if you have a concern at all--call!!"

The photo shoot was sort of see photoshoots here and there on tv or something and then when it's in your house it feels sort of like its not your house! We got many, many family shots in our family room on our sofa and then some shots on our front porch also. Most were family shots of all 5 of us, some were just of Hubby, B and me. There were a few taken with just B & me too. I don't think we'll see most of them, just what gets in the actual article...I'm just not sure how all of that works! I would love to see them....

We had a very nice afternoon with Sharon Cotliar, the reporter from People. She was at KKI this morning for the testing with Dr. Landa and REACH staff and then came to our house after our photos were done. I was very nervous about this interview...nervous that I would say something and it would be misinterpreted somehow in print. Of course it'll be a few weeks until it's published--but we've come away from the afternoon feeling pretty postitive. Sharon asked really good questions about A's diagnosis, her early years, her school experiences, etc. We talked about B and the testing today. I loved that Sharon let us talk--sometimes I felt like I was rambling about my answers, but she was more than patient about it and seemed to really 'get' what I was talking about The message I really wanted to relay through Sharon's article is how important Early Intervention is when there are developmental delays. Children learn and grow so much in their first 3 years and it is a limited window of time, yet one where so much good can be done!

I'm so tired...I feel like I'm not writing well--and feel a little overwhelmed. I want to write more about this topic, Early Intervention I mean. It has made such a difference in our lives! Good night all :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Date Night!!!!!

I have to admit that this is the true reason I wanted to start blogging. Date night is my FAVORITE :) :)

Oh--I promise this will be G-rated...not to worry my friends!! heehee...

I truly believe that date nights are CRUCIAL to my marriage--and I sing their praises and wish that all my married buddies would have date nights too! This is a very simple in bed, dinner for hubby and me, and a nice evening for the two of us. And Scrabble. Our date nights usually involve Scrabble! I don't exactly remember why Scrabble came into the equation...but it's a mainstay around here. The last few date nights were spent watching, marathon-style, episodes of Mad Men Seasons 1 & 2. Regardless of the evening's activities--it's always such a treat. I figured I would share our menu too--perhaps some of you can have a date night too!! Let me know :)

One bottle of Yellowtail Wine (any kind!) $7
One package/can of Pillsbury Italian Country Bread (under $3)
One package of a precooked "skillet meal" (found in the frozen section of any grocery store) $5-$8)
One package of Hershey's Bliss Dark Chocolates ($4)

So for $20 we had a GREAT night--it wasn't 'regular' food at home, it felt special and tasted great!! We even sit at the 'little table' in our breakfast nook instead of the family sized table in the dining room--just more intimate I guess. It reminds me of Panera actually...a little bistro-sized table for two people.

Oh--and I did all of this within my Weight Watchers plan--and still managed to have a loss this week!! Whoohoo--I'm down a total of 17.6lbs so far! :)

Have a date night folks--I can't wait to hear about it~

Friday, July 31, 2009

Omigosh, Omigosh....People Magazine WANTS us!!


I don't even know where to start--this story alone could be another blog in and of itself!

People Magazine (yes...only my most favorite magazine of ALLLLL time) is doing a story on early detection of autism in infants and we have been chosen to be featured! It just so happens that our wonderful little B is the perfect age for the first part of the testing. He is 6 months old--and that is when they start this study with participating infants. We also did (and continue to do) this with C since she was 6 months old. I'll try to elaborate fully--if I can gather my frantic thoughts. OMG!!! They want us!!

I got off the phone with the photo editor of PEOPLE MAGAZINE about an hour or so ago. Before that I was on the phone with Elise, the head of media relations at Kennedy Krieger Institute, here in Baltimore. We have dealt with public relations stuff at KKI for a while now because our oldest, A, is a poster child for the institute. We were lucky enough to have her participate in a research study at the age of 2 on early intervention for toddlers with an autism spectrum disorder--for her it opened doors that we were afraid would be closed her whole life!! Because of that study and the hard work of all the wondeful staff at Kennedy Krieger we have a wondeful, healthy, happy, and normal 6 year old daughter. If KKI asked us to paint ourselves in polka dots and wave at people along I-95, we'd probably do it! So--this seems like a small way to give back to the place that gave us so much. (and no body paint involved...yippeeee!!)

I had the hardest time trying to reach Hubby to tell him he must be home for the photo shoot! I finally reached him via email and his return email response was a simple one-liner. "Holy Shit" Yes, Hubby-dear--that was pretty much my reaction too!!!

Did I mention that People Magazine is like my most favorite magazine ever??? EVER?? This is a magazine that I read cover to cover. I have a rule--that I can't read ahead--I start at the cover and literally go forward from there--until I reach, sadly, the last page. Earlier this year (late last year maybe?) I came to a very difficult decision...(those who know me agree this was hard!) I decided with the impending birth of little B that I would GIVE UP my subscription. (gasp!) I know, I know...but it IS a pricey mag and we had some big expenses coming up!! I gave it up, only reading occasionally when I could part with a few extra dollars in the checkout line at the grocery store! *Lately--with the Jon & Kate "saga" I've been tempted to re-up...and just last week Hubby came home with the latest copy of the magazine, just because he knew it would cement him in history as the best husband ever. (love you, babe!) Oh man...I can't even think straight.

So--that is my story for now, stay tuned!!! excited!!

I think I must just be mental

Why IS it that I feel good--really, really good--when I get up and get cleaning? I feel great right now! Dishes put away, sink empty, third load of laundry is in the washer, the first load folded and put away, the beds all made, the upstairs all vacuumed and put together.... Is it the sense of accomplishment? (yay me) Is it the feeling of checking all the tasks off my invisible list? (good thought) Is it sitting in a clean house? (must be part of it)

Another why... WHY, then, doesn't this inspire me to do this more often? I spend no fewer than 4 out of 7 days in an utter and complete chaos because I don't wake up and get this stuff done. Sure..sometimes that isn't of my doing, sometimes I do actually have to take care of the children, but seriously...why can't I just get with the program? It is 10:38 on a summer Friday morning, I'm sitting in the breakfast nook (I love typing that...breakfast nook--ain't it cute?) sipping lemonade and typing away. This is grand!! On a non-get-up-and-clean-day I'd be running around (as my mother would say) like a chicken with its head cut off. Now--I feel I actually CAN sit and work (play) on my computer.

On a very happy note, only an hour 'til I get to go to the gym!!!! Yay for Anna the babysitter :)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

So I think I traumatized my 3 year old...

I read an article in the current Parents Magazine about the "Cleanup Fairy." It was written by a genius-woman as far as I can tell!! As soon as I put down the magazine I told A & C that they must clean up their toys before naptime or else the Cleanup Fairy would come and take away anything left on the floor. They both scoffed at off to nap they both went. HA!! I will win this battle. Once they were in their respective rooms (C in her room, A in the basement playroom) I went to work, trash bag in hand. Now I must admit there wasn't THAT much on the floor. Mostly pieces of a silly puzzle that was a prize in a fast food, nothing important. A few other little things, but seriously--nothing 'big.' A few hours later when A came up from the basement it was as if nothing happened. Didn't phase her for a moment. When C came down the steps after her nap--she walked into the family room and her jaw dropped--rather it hit the floor. The sheer fright on her face was enough to make me smile....(evil!) but I kept a straight face and asked what was wrong. "The Kweenup Faiwy wuz heah...she took aw my toys!" It was pretty great, I must say. The rest of the afternoon passed by smoothly--with toys gotten off of a shelf, but returned as well. Yay--score one for the Mommy!! Then came bedtime... Tonight was Family Movie Night--so bedtime was a tad bit late. OK...really late, 9:30. To my kids this is like 4am to us grownups. There were maybe 2 little toys on the floor and I gently reminded Cassie to clean them up before going up the steps to bed. She FREAKED OUT!! "No, no Kweenup, don't take owah stuff..." She began picking up shoes and pillows and anything not nailed down--just afraid that the Cleanup Fairy would take it. She was beyond exhausted, so I helped her calm down and just told her what a good job she did. She really did--and if she 'gets' it and this whole Cleanup Fairy thing works...even with ONE of my kids, that is great. I just hope I don't have to pull one of our old lines out if it doesn't. It was the old "if you don't listen to Mommy and Daddy, you'll have to go live with a new family now" threat. She may really go and pack a suitcase! Oh well....another day in Paradise :)

Bummer...No Friday dinner :(

We realized last night that we have baseball tickets for tomorrow evening and we couldn't score a cheap (read: Free) sitter. Hubby will take C to the game and they'll have a Daddy/Daughter date. No yummy dinner and wine.. I'll probably have a Hot Pocket and a Coke. Sad, I know. I know that C will be thrilled to go with Hubby all by herself. She is such a spitfire, but can be so easy to take places. We'll see... I'll just be home with 2 kids. Seems like a real vacation to me~

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I didn't want to wash those jeans yet!

OK, so I know that having a 3 year old is a mess-waiting-to-happen. I really do GET this. And beautiful, sweet, girl is a MESS. I swear she oozes goo even while in the bathtub. But tonight--she pee'd on me. Not on purpose of course...but she, to go urgently. Instead of going in the toilet it shot out clearly at me and my just-out-of-the-wash jeans. You know the ones....the ones you wear a few times to get them feeling 'right.' I was not ready to wash them!!! Of course I freaked out (bad mommy moment). Poor C, she just wailed and said she was very "sowwy." I felt awful, I know she didn't pee on my jeans out of maliciousness...but still--they were just out of the wash. As she ascended the stairs for bedtime a few moments after the incident she says to me, "Mommy, there is no pee pee left tonight." Well isn't that cute. Of course there's no pee pee left. It's all on my freakin' jeans.

Paradise, I tell ya. ;)

Thinking about Friday's dinner--already...

This is the point in the week where I start to think about what Hubby and I will eat on Date Night. This is pretty much an every weekend thing--unless we're out on a 'real' date or have some other event going on. This really started to save money on going out to eat so much. Before C and B were born, back when we were just naive parents of one, we probably went out once or twice a month. Of course babysitting was easy to come by too. Anyway--back to the point. The kids go to bed at that cherished 7:00 pm and we have a nice meal. Always includes appetizers...usually a salad and an entree. And wine. Here is where we could run up a bill--but generally we have found some pretty good, inexpensive ones!! Mostly they are under $15 and some even under $10. They are really good!!! I'll try to post them on here to share. Anyway--the other thing I consider with our meal is Weight Watchers. I've been doing really well on WW this spring & summer and I don't want a Date Night to throw that off! I've lost 16 lbs to date since the end of March, and 25 since January when dear little B was born. Yay Me! I'm thinking we should do some bread and olive oil, some salad, and maybe some grilled chicken. Oh--and one of my FAVORITE desserts isn't really a dessert at wine and dark chocolates. Ummmm.....such a great flavor combo!!! Oh I'm hungry.

Can't get started today

Our house normally runs with the efficicency of Hubby. He's great--truly he is! He is perhaps the most efficient person on earth. I sort of hate him for this, but for the most part it does keep our lives in relative order. Hey, everyone's gotta be good at something, right? 7:00 am is wake up time, dressing and bedmaking, pottying and all of that--and then we all descend the stairs to breakfast, babyfeeding, getting ready for school or work, or errands, or whatever. By 8:30 we're all ready for the day. Oy...I'm tired just typing all of that!!

We are now in that period of summer when A's summer camp is over--vacation is still a few weeks away--and we have no real place to be. I love this. LOVE THIS. I keep saying we're going to go the library, but that would require feeding B his bottle and jar of mush and getting C out of her VeggieTales shirt. She's only worn it for 3 days no means a record. A of course is ready to walk out the door, but she's got a lot of Hubby's efficiency running through her. I would need to get dressed. feels better to just sit here at home. I love home.

Bills. I hate bills. Just wanted to throw that in.

Day One--Introduction!!

If paradise is defined as a blissful place, then I must say I have arrived. Let me explain...

I'm not on a white sand beach sipping a tropical tantalizing treat. I'm not watching the waves roll in. I'm not wearing a terry cloth robe ( or towel!) while a whitecoated masseuse performs his magic. While all of that would be nice--my paradise is my life.

OK...more explaining!! I sit on a stained plaid sofa that has lost it's cushiony softness. My feet walk over carpet that crunches under my feet--the remains of yesterday's (or last week's...) cheerios or granola bars. I sit listening to VeggieTales movies that would make most people stick pencils in their ears. I can recite the THEME SONG to VeggieTales. I get excited about poop. When a ponytail stays in all day, despite running, sweating, or pulling at it--I am thrilled! Yes...thrilled! When a jar of babyfood is all gone and the remains of it are dripping down the baby's chin--I'm elated. Buying school supplies creates in me a feeling of purpose and urgency. Grocery shopping by myself sometimes feels like a real vacation. Finding a sale on toilet paper simply makes my day. Wearing a spit up stainded shirt does not bother me. I am Mommy, hear me roar.

Now that you know that much--you must know the rest. I live for 7:00 pm. It's more powerful than chocolate--and believe me, that is saying something!!! It's that magical hour when the kids go to sleep and Hubby and I get to spend the evening together. With each child we've had this time is more and more crucial to our existence. Whether it's sitting on our opposite sofas reading, watching a game on tv, or reading, or talking, or eating our famous "after the kids go to bed" is pure bliss to me. Sometimes I feel like I'm not one person--that I am the mommy person from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm and from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am I'm the wifey person. And that is ok...I like it that way :) As I said before--I have arrived. Paradise is great, baby.