Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ben's Big TV Debut

This has to be a super-fast blog entry because as we speak Grandma is bringing Kid 1 & Kid 2 back from an overnight adventure!! A short break for this tired Momma...

This morning Todd, Ben & I had the pleasure of appearing, on behalf of Kennedy Krieger, on Good Morning Maryland on ABC2 news here in Baltimore.  Check us out!!

Anchors Charlie Crowson and Megan Pringle were warm and gracious and it was very exciting to sit in those new gold chairs on set!! I was very nervous, but once Todd and I started talking we really couldn't stop! We spoke not only of the kids and Kennedy Krieger in general, but of ROAR--KKI's big fundraiser coming up on May 1st.  Sponsor us, join our team, or learn more at:

Ben had a hard time sitting still--and quietly--but all of the studio staff and news anchors took it all in stride and made us feel very comfortable and welcomed.  We were even invited back by Meteorologist Justin Berk so that Addie & Cassie can tour the weather center! Another exciting thing I learned is that Justin's wife Debbie is launching a store for both parents and educators very soon!! The Just Learning Store will be a great resource for parents, educators, special educators, and anyone who works with kids of all ages and abilities.  Please take a moment and check out their site  After you do that make note of their GRAND OPENING in York, PA on June 25th and plan on attending for fun, family friendly activities, including an interactive weather lesson! (Addie is gonna LOVE that!!) After you do that--look them up on Facebook and "like" their page for a shot at getting a 10% shopping discount once the store opens!

 And after the taping Ben and I went for his 2 year old portrait--it was adorable!! What a fun day for us!! Stay tuned for our next adventure~

1 comment:

  1. You guys were AWESOME- can't wait to see Ben's pics! :)
