Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Updates on B & People Magazine

B continues to work VERY hard on his physical milestones. Mary Pat with BaltoCo. Infants & Toddlers has been working with him more lately but he still lets those darn little toes curl under. Have any of you had a child do that? I don't remember A & C doing it. A & C both walked at 14 maybe late March is our time!! B has had one visit also with Carole--also w/ BaltoCo. Infants & Toddlers. Carole is a Special Educator who is just helping B increase his communication skills. She thinks he's fine--but thinks he is a very quiet little guy. Yup--he is!

I MISS going to the gym during the day!! I just signed up for Pilates--and while I can take classes on Sunday afternoons I would much rather be doing so on Tuesdays or Thursdays while B is in the playroom at the gym. The little guy can't go there until he is officially walking :-(

People Magazine......It is still my favorite magazine, but we have hit a few bumps in the road with the story. Sharon Cotliar contacted me earlier this week and took some updates from me. She let me know that she is trying very hard to push for our story, of course it is in her interest, as well, to have the story go to press! Sharon told me that the story was going to the Art department for a re-design, and we are again hopeful that we will see it soon. I must sound like a broken record, friends, but I am so excited about this. It has been my dearest hope that our story will help someone out there. Please help spread that word that Early Intervention works!!

We *heart* our Early Intervention heros--Mary Pat Summers & Carole Coleman!!!!

Is it Spring yet??

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