Friday, July 31, 2009

Omigosh, Omigosh....People Magazine WANTS us!!


I don't even know where to start--this story alone could be another blog in and of itself!

People Magazine (yes...only my most favorite magazine of ALLLLL time) is doing a story on early detection of autism in infants and we have been chosen to be featured! It just so happens that our wonderful little B is the perfect age for the first part of the testing. He is 6 months old--and that is when they start this study with participating infants. We also did (and continue to do) this with C since she was 6 months old. I'll try to elaborate fully--if I can gather my frantic thoughts. OMG!!! They want us!!

I got off the phone with the photo editor of PEOPLE MAGAZINE about an hour or so ago. Before that I was on the phone with Elise, the head of media relations at Kennedy Krieger Institute, here in Baltimore. We have dealt with public relations stuff at KKI for a while now because our oldest, A, is a poster child for the institute. We were lucky enough to have her participate in a research study at the age of 2 on early intervention for toddlers with an autism spectrum disorder--for her it opened doors that we were afraid would be closed her whole life!! Because of that study and the hard work of all the wondeful staff at Kennedy Krieger we have a wondeful, healthy, happy, and normal 6 year old daughter. If KKI asked us to paint ourselves in polka dots and wave at people along I-95, we'd probably do it! So--this seems like a small way to give back to the place that gave us so much. (and no body paint involved...yippeeee!!)

I had the hardest time trying to reach Hubby to tell him he must be home for the photo shoot! I finally reached him via email and his return email response was a simple one-liner. "Holy Shit" Yes, Hubby-dear--that was pretty much my reaction too!!!

Did I mention that People Magazine is like my most favorite magazine ever??? EVER?? This is a magazine that I read cover to cover. I have a rule--that I can't read ahead--I start at the cover and literally go forward from there--until I reach, sadly, the last page. Earlier this year (late last year maybe?) I came to a very difficult decision...(those who know me agree this was hard!) I decided with the impending birth of little B that I would GIVE UP my subscription. (gasp!) I know, I know...but it IS a pricey mag and we had some big expenses coming up!! I gave it up, only reading occasionally when I could part with a few extra dollars in the checkout line at the grocery store! *Lately--with the Jon & Kate "saga" I've been tempted to re-up...and just last week Hubby came home with the latest copy of the magazine, just because he knew it would cement him in history as the best husband ever. (love you, babe!) Oh man...I can't even think straight.

So--that is my story for now, stay tuned!!! excited!!


  1. WAY WAY WAY cool Teri!!!!!!!!!!! That is amazing that you will get to be a part of something that will educate many, and hopefully help a few! I can not wait to hear how it goes, and see the magazine itself when it comes out!

  2. Thank you, fellow super mommy!!!

  3. How exciting! You guys would be lovely in those lush People photographs. I really enjoyed your blog, you are a good writer. Thanks for sharing. :)
